If you have active little ones, you may be looking for a fun, safe way to keep them entertained this summer (and beyond). Purchasing a trampoline for the backyard is a great solution for the whole family, as trampoline exercise can provide impressive benefits for both kids and adults. Here, we share our favorite reasons to encourage your kids to bounce:
Development of Muscle Coordination and Control
Trampolines are safe for kids ages 6 and up, and they’re excellent for helping individuals of all ages develop muscle coordination and control. It often takes years for little ones to hone their coordination skills, and jumping on an AlleyOOP trampoline makes it feel effortless to self-stabilize after each bounce.
Encourages Good Posture
Most children spend several hours per day sitting behind a desk. This can lead to poor posture, which is a difficult habit to correct and may even cause premature back and neck pain. There are many ways to encourage better posture, but jumping on a trampoline is probably the most fun method for kids. As your child bounces, he or she will naturally stand tall and activate several muscle groups that are essential for good posture.
Outdoor Playtime
Many kids struggle with pausing screen time to get outdoors. If you’d like the whole family to spend more time together outside the home, investing in a trampoline is an excellent solution. Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for growing children, and soaking up some sunshine is the most effective way to jumpstart Vitamin D production. Your kids and their friends will have so much fun bouncing on the trampoline, it won’t feel like a chore to get and stay outside for a while.
It’s Easy on the Joints
When your kids are growing, it’s important not to overstress their joints and bones. Daily exercise is a must for staying healthy, but running on the pavement or hitting the gym for more than a few minutes aren’t good options for young children. To safeguard their growing bodies and reduce the risk of exercise-related injuries, opt for a trampoline that receives great safety ratings, such as any AlleyOOP model.
Ready to take the next step and treat your family to an awesome trampoline? Our team at Backyard Dreams is happy to help you select the best product for your needs. We offer several premium trampoline and playset options, and we’ll handle the delivery and installation in the Denver metro area and beyond. To get in touch with us, please give us a call or fill out our contact form online.
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