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AlleyOOP® VariableBounce Trampoline

Original price was: $1,699.00 – $1,799.00.Current price is: $1,499.00 – $1,599.00.


The patented AlleyOOP VariableBounce technology optimizes shock absorption while maximizing bounce performance. The technology is similar to a car’s airbag: During a bounce, a portion of the springs engage immediately upon a jumper’s landing. The remaining springs engage a split second later. This design allows the impact to spread slowly and gradually through the body, putting less stress on the knees, back, and entire body.

It’s the first and only single-bed trampoline that can be tuned for different ages, weights, and skill levels, yet it expands performance so that jumpers with a wider range of weights and skill levels can safely enjoy the same set-up.

As with all AlleyOOP Trampolines, the VariableBounce trampoline comes with the strongest safety enclosure, employing the AlleyOOP Triple-Fail-Safe™ backup system.

Our AlleyOOP Trampolines offer safety and performance that simply cannot compare to a mass-market trampoline.

What is PowerBounce?

Only the biggest, safest bounce will do? Add PowerBounce—a customizable second layer of springs attached to a jumping mat that you can fine-tune to three power settings. Rated #1 by kids on YouTube, our exclusive PowerBounce technology gives you “the world’s bounciest trampoline,” and can be added at any time to any AlleyOOP trampoline. It’s great for athletic or larger jumpers, enhances perimeter bouncing, and boosts bounce performance.

Trampoline Features
  • Two sizes: 12 foot and 14-foot trampolines
  • Heavy-duty frame: 1.9″ diameter, pre-galvanized steel frame; 2mm wall thickness
    • Frame finish: Beautiful forest green powder-coated textured finish
    • The frame pad is forest green in color, blending beautifully with the landscape. It is over 14 inches wide and 1 inch thick (no tapering).
    • High-density, gym-quality polyethylene (crosslinked PE), closed-cell foam padding is used across the entire pad surface, not just at the edge. The foam is covered by a high-quality, 21-ounce, reinforced, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) outer shell that is UV- and water-resistant. Other manufacturers use a cheap tarp material to cover the foam, which falls apart quickly.
  • Permatron® Jumping Mat: 35 inches tall offering better ground clearance than most trampolines.
    • The industry leader in High-Tensile Strength, UV and Water Protection, and performance
    • Ten rows of stitching and a UV shield (compared to just 4 rows of stitching and no UV shield on most other brands). The mat offers approximately 113 square feet of play space.
  • Springs: Exclusive 6.6″ Black Piano™ – Extra-Stretch™ high-performance zinc-plated steel springs give a deeper, more shock-absorbent landing and a greater return bounce.
    • 96 Black Piano™ – Extra-Stretch™ High-Performance Springs on 14ft
    • 6.6 inches long, high-carbon steel piano wire coupled with tapered, wide barrel design, give our best bounce performance yet still offer a low-impact landing
    • Rust-resistant using a high-quality zinc-plating process
    • The frame allows the springs to handle the bounce of a 245-pound adult; great bounce with less potential for injury than trampolines with shorter, lower-quality springs
  • High-strength looped straps and steel V-rings for connecting the springs. Trampoline mats with grommets punched through fabric causes mat to tear and fail prematurely.
  • Patent-pending all-steel “DD” Sure-Lok™ system to prevent the frame from twisting and deforming. Other manufacturers build their frames with slip-fit (male/female) pieces that rotate and twist open over time causing the frame to become loose or break.
  • The strongest safety enclosure system helps prevent users from falling off of the trampoline, cushions their impacts, keeps the net from breaking/collapsing around them, is rated to withstand an impact of 295 lbs., and lasts many times longer than any other enclosure system on the market.
  • Designed for use with JumpSport® or AlleyOop Sports® Trampoline Accessories
  • Maximum single-user weight rating up to 245 lbs* for 14ft model (240 lbs for the 12ft model & 235 lbs for the 10ft model).


(*Real-world testing to a combined weight of over 800 lbs.)

Trampoline Warranty

All trampolines purchased through Backyard Dreams company come with the following warranty:

  • Steel Frame and Poles – Lifetime
  • Jumping Surface (Mat) – 10 years
  • Safety Enclosure Net – 10 years
  • Springs – 5 years
  • Frame Pad – 2 years
  • All Other Components – 1 year

Click here to see how JumpSport designs, engineers, and tests its products for safety, and how JumpSport’s products compare with others on the market.

AlleyOop 14′ Trampoline Installation Videos

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